
Laurent Goetz

I am

About Me


Hi! My name is Laurent Goetz. I am an Information System Engineer, currently working as a Technical Project Manager. I love technology, discovering and setting things up. With 3 years of experience, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make your project a success. I enjoy every step of the design process, from discussion and collaboration to concept and execution, but I find the most satisfaction in seeing the finished project put to good use.

About my Abilities

Here are my main abilities. You can see more about them in my CV and in my articles below. My skills are quite wide in the technical domain of computer science. My years of experience as a Technical Project Manager also taught me the basics of Project Management.  

Information Systems95%
Web technologies (HTML, CSS)65%

Work Experience

Learn more about my work experience!

Personal Side Projects

Check out my personal projects!

So you're probably wondering why I created an application for my phone to boot my computer from anywhere in the world. Well, two reasons : 

  1. Because I can and it's fun to do

Contact Me

Get in touch with me
  • +33 6 75 48 89 88

  • Linkedin Laurent Goetz
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